Our Leadership Team
Dave has been with the Law Bulletin Media team since 1994. Dave manages the Public Notice Network. Dave has been a thought leader and author of several Law Bulletin Media technology products including JuraLaw and the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin online. His prior roles at Chicago law firms provided a backdrop and foundation for effective product development, personnel management and understanding of the business of law.
Tasha joined the Public Notice Courthouse Team in 2015. Tasha rose to the position of Supervisor as she is extremely well-organized and has gained years of experience with public notices. Tasha is very patient and helpful with customers who are having difficulty navigating the legal system. She manages our Team at the Daley Center.
Gina joined in 1983 as a result has years of expertise working at the Law Bulletin Media. She started with us as a data entry clerk at the Daley Center. For over a decade, she has been a member of the Public Notice Network. As pre-publication manager, she manages the preparation and publishing of Public Notices for the PNN system and for publications in CDLB and other newspapers.
Mike joined Law Bulletin Media over 30 years ago. He has working knowledge of both the Public Records division and public notice. Mike has held various roles in the B2B publishing industry. He was a Group Publisher and Sales Manager for the REJournals Group, a real estate trade publishing and conference division of Law Bulletin Media.
Vicki M. Carr
Field Manager Public Records and Client Relationship Manager
Email Vicki | Phone:217-764-5017
Amy has been with the Law Bulletin Media since 2009. She was hired as the downstate certificates clerk and in 2015 was promoted to post-publication manager. As post-publication manager, she coordinates with law firms and sales companies for compliance in the county where the property is located and releases certificates of publication after verifying tear sheets from the newspaper.
Vicki has been a part of the Law Bulletin Media team since 2000. She started at Law Bulletin Media as a Records Clerk and was promoted to Field Manager of all data collection for field staff. In 2017 she joined the staff of PNN as Client Relationship Manager visiting newspapers and law firms throughout the state and acting as a contact person for them. She continues dual roles for Law Bulletin Media in Public Records and working with PNN.