Congratulations to last issue’s winner, Sybil Conley! Sybil, the advertising manager and co-owner of the Trenton Sun, correctly identified The Art Institute of Chicago South Garden and Miró’s Chicago.
The Art Institute of Chicago’s South Garden, designed by Dan Kiley and completed in 1967, provides visitors a moment of serenity in the city’s otherwise busy Loop. The uniformly spaced planters mirror the urban origin of the garden (which sits on top of a parking garage), while the canopy of trees, flower beds, and reflecting pool all bring nature into the heart of Chicago.
Miró’s Chicago stands in Brunswick Plaza, directly south of the Daley Center. This 39-foot statue by Joan Miró was unveiled in 1981 and originally called The Sun, the Moon, and One Star.
Can you guess where Vicki Carr, PNN Client Relationship Manager, found these Illinois icons pictured to the right? Be the first to respond to glamb@LawBulletinMedia.com with the correct responses and win PNN swag! Please include your name, mailing address, and phone number in your email.When it comes to design, the Wix blog has everything you need to create beautiful posts that will grab your reader's attention. Check out our essential design features.
